Prêt d’Union makes its international development official and becomes Younited Credit.
With its launch in Italy, PRÊt D’UNION has become the leading personal credit platform, not just in France but across Euope!
PRÊT D’UNION, leading personal credit company in France, announces the opening of its first office abroad, in Rome, Italy. After operating in France for 4 years, granting 320 million euros in credit to French households, Prêt d’Union makes its international development official. This makes it a global brand, so it has become Younited Credit. The launch in Italy will be followed up by an office opened in Spain at the end of 2016.
With these launches and the change of name, Younited Credit is now the leading pan-European consumer credit platform. It has now obtained its 4th banking approval, confirming its position as a “European Lending Club”.
Tommaso Gamaleri, the CEO of the Italian branch, is handling the launch there. Tommaso previously worked for 6 years for Bain & Company, before taking part in a start-up in the insurance sector,, the Italian subsidiary of the Admiral group. He was with the company for 9 years, as Managing Director and made a huge contribution to its development, growing the workforce from just 4 people to 600.
The Italian team already has 15 members. It has started really well: after the 1st month’s operation, credit finance is already 3 times higher than when the platform launched in France in 2011.
The brand’s DNA stays the same: to meet the needs and expectations of borrowers and investors as best as it can. Everything that worked before for the first launch has been duplicated in Italy. Younited Credit remains loyal to the values celebrated since the adventure began, which everyone can sign up to: speed, transparency, simplicity.
Innovation also remains an integral feature of Younited Credit’s development, especially for its platform, a real “marketplace” for loans to individuals. The technology is developing all the time, gaining in efficiency and speed.
Since the end of 2015, every application is digitized. A specialist document recognition technology is used to check there is no supporting documentation missing from a loan application so that the client can be reminded at once if anything is missing. This new feature means that a credit decision can be made much more quickly.
Throughout the credit application process, Younited Credit also keeps applicants informed of the various stages by SMS, e-mail and in their client area on the website.
For investors, the launch of Younited Credit in Italy will soon allow European investors (French as well as Italian) to finance borrowers in Italy. The brand continues to make a contribution to financing the real economy: once invested on the platform, the money funds various projects very quickly.