7 out of 10 French people believe they will be driving a hybrid or electric car within 20 years.
With the rise in environmental concerns, COP 21, traffic restrictions in major cities for some types of engine, not to mention the recent fuel shortages, drivers are becoming more and more interested in the power units of the future. They believe that within twenty years, 40% of drivers will use a hybrid vehicle and 32% an electric one. What’s more, 48% consider that innovations in the car industry will move at the same rate as other sectors, and 14% of them consider it will change even faster, according to the 7th Aramisauto.com barometer study, “The French and the motor car”, commissioned by the Institut TNS Sofres.
This barometer study, carried out every year, surveys the general public to discover the views of the French on the automobile industry and their purchasing criteria, but also to find out how they feel about the innovations introduced in the fairly short term.
* Photo Guillaume Paoli, Aramisauto.com Director interviewed at RTL. Photo Rumeur Publique.