Use the power of the agency’s diverse communication channels to give resonance to Rumeur Publique conversations
Promote the conversation cycles organized by Rumeur Publique, of which Conv’Agri is the first edition: a morning of editorialized exchanges bringing together key players in the world of agriculture to decipher the main issues.
Attracting players in the sector to attend Conv’Agri and establishing the agency’s legitimacy on the subject of the transition in agriculture.
Create a sphere of conversation in the agricultural ecosystem, parallel to the event, on social networks (Twitter and LinkedIn).

Implementation of a digital device before and during the event on the social networks of Rumeur Publique (Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook).
Prior to the event :
Creation and distribution of publications two weeks before the event with teasing posts embodied to arouse curiosity thanks to rich and varied formats (video, animations (GIFs) and inserts…).
Creation of two very federative hashtags, #ConvRumeur and #AgriTalk and identification of the sector’s hashtags.
A Twitter Ads and LinkedIn Ads advertising campaign to amplify the visibility of the message to reach a very specialized target.
During the event :
Livetweet of the event on Twitter : publication of more than 35 tweets: sharing of the best clips of the conference and the most relevant quotes.
Interactions (RT, Likes, replies…) with the official accounts of the actors present at the event and partners: Le Hub BPI, Saretec, In Vivo, La Note Globale, La FNSEA, Sun’Agri, Pour une Agriculture du Vivant, Sandrine Le Feur…