FrenchWebDay Média #FWDmedia

7 April 2016

Rumeur Publique for FrenchWebDay Média #FWDmedia

He will be one of the next speakers at Frenchweb Day Media, Thursday 14 April, in Paris.

Learn about the vision for media in France, in 2016, from Christian Giacomini, Associate Director of Rumeur Publique:


Frenchweb: What is your vision for media in France in 2016? Are you on the side of the optimists?


I am firmly optimistic. The media have faced serious challenges, and have succeeded in adapting their models, particularly economic models. They have also done a great deal to improve their customer experience. And they have invested heavily in the new influence formers, namely social networks.


Frenchweb: Should we be concerned about the trend to concentration?


In my view, it is not so much the increasing concentration that is the problem, but rather the quality of information. People are ready to pay for quality information, and paying models based on this principle are working.


Frenchweb: What has benne the stand-out media innovation in recentmonths in your opinion?


I am impressed with The Information, a recent American news site. It was founded by former Wall Street Journal staffers, in Silicon Valley where many of our clients come from. It is a specialist media channel with high quality information about everything that is happening in Silicon Valley, widely recognised and used by major American media players. To some extent it is the Valley’s version of Mediapart, for its whole eco-system, and as well as in-depth articles, gives a voice to contributors who provide real added value.


Frenchweb: What king of media, or media group, should be watched most closely?


Just those players like The Information or Le 1, and all those who don’t just look for information, but create value with the information. In fact, all the media that offer exclusive, quality information.